Monday, May 10, 2010

Giving back is just as important as finding the right applicant!

How many of us fell into recruiting as a line of work? I've talked with a number of folks and no one I know started out their college careers believing they'd be a recruiter. What if someone talked to you about a career in recruiting when you were in high school or even middle school, would you still be on the path you're on today. I was watching a story on the Today show about a book called "Citizen You". It's a book that inspires folks to give back and change the world. It does this by asking people, to try something. Citizen You reminds us that change happens one step at a time and one thought at a time. I was moved by the concept of Citizen Teachers which helps middle school students "connect the dots between schools and the real world." When you get a moment, inspire others and check out the website below.

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